Homemade Toffee

Homemade Toffee

This recipe for homemade toffee comes straight out of the Betty Crocker cookbook, page 165 of the Bridal Edition, to be exact. (One of the best gifts, ever, by the way. Thanks, Mom and Dad!) I stumbled on this recipe when my husband was in graduate school, I was...
Pumpkin Spice Syrup for Café-Style Drinks

Pumpkin Spice Syrup for Café-Style Drinks

I love fall! The summer heat is gone. Cool evenings and crisp, fall days have taken their place. Sharp, beautiful colors fill my landscape as I look out our back window at our red barn and the fall leaves surrounding our property. In honor of my favorite season, I...
Homemade O’Henry Bars

Homemade O’Henry Bars

This homemade O’Henry bars recipe comes to me from a good friend and former roommate. The first time she made them, I was hooked! They’re great for summer, because you don’t have to turn on the oven. They’re great for the winter, because...